Is this even real?!
odin0425 Wrote:since we are on this topic, and this is a UK add, i am interested to find out just how big of issue race is in Europe, over here it is obiously a huge part of American history, and i get bad looks from black people all the time...

I know there are a few Europians on this site, and i would really like to know, just how much is racisum part of your sociaty? how does it fuel poloticians, ect? i know my question is asked out of pure ignorance being a stupid american that has no clue of other countries history, but i dont think it could be nearly as bad over their as it is here...which is probably why sony thought it could get away with this add in the first place

Racism isn't a very big part of the Portuguese society.
I was talking about racism with a guy from another forum, who lives in London, and he was telling me he knew a few Portuguese as well as people who had lived in Portugal, and that the non-caucasian ones told him there was a lot less racism and oppression in Portugal than in London. He was rather surprised to hear this because London is a multicultural city whereas in Portugal only 4.2% of the populations is made up of (legal) immigrants. I believe that's exactly why there isn't a lot of racism in Portugal. When you have a lot of people from different ethnicities, religions and cultures living together problems are bound to arise. We don't have a lot of people from different ethnicities, religions and cultures living here so there isn't much of a reason for problems to occur. Also, the Portuguese are known for their hospitality, it's part of our culture, and I think that helps a bit.
There is racism in Portugal of course, there's no place on Earth that doesn't have its fair share of racism, but it certainly can't be compared to the level of racism that exists in such places as London or Paris. Besides, we need people from other countries. Portugal has the lowest birth rate in the EU, ours is an aged population, so we really need immigrants to come here and help us keep the country afloat.
[Image: ergobanner0fy.jpg]

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Is this even real?! - by Blight - 07-09-2006, 01:09 PM
Is this even real?! - by gubi-gubi - 07-24-2006, 12:55 PM

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