elcoholic Wrote:Right, and you didn't notice FF12 getting a perfect 40/40 score from famitsu?
And then you bring in fable as an example of how it should be? That's a ten hour rpg you are trying to compare to a hundred hour rpg. Fable was one of the biggest flops on the xbox. So much hype, so little substance. After 10 hours all that's left is become utterly evil and kill everyone and then you're done. I'll take ff over fable any day.
What's more, if anyone has played a game like KOTOR or Fallout, they may not have gone to such lengths to alter your character specifically, but they did a much greater job of making the world you live in react to you, and remain lengthy and engaging.
I agree that lots of people will continue to buy FF games, but I also think beyond his one sided hate, Geo has a point. I'm also sick of Bishonen bastards polluting games. GTFO pretty boys!!! Hell, even the girls all being flawless piss me off. Not everyone is beautiful. Especially not really strong fighters. Why does every SE party character have to either be a Seraphim of an animal person? I know it is a game, and I have said before that I like unrealistic games, but I am also a writer. I can no longer put up with these cliché riddled and uninspired characters. Contrary to popular belief, Yuna was the worst character from FF10. Everyone complains about Tidus, but at least if someone would have replaced him with a cardboard cut out, people would have noticed. Yuna lacked, well, a soul for one thing, and she was just too one dimensional and uninteresting to me.
Eye candy is not for me. If that is what you like in games, I think FF will do fine for you. And it will unquestionably provide lots of people with hours of game play, but I've just moved past their flat characters and gleaming surface. I need more than perfect hair and unblemished skin from my RPG's.
PS. That combat system for 12 blows. The least amount of fun I have had with an RPG since, well, maybe ever.