Got this in an email, thought it was interesting.
gubi-gubi Wrote:If humans were all inherently evil then we wouldn't of survived long enough to even be here contemplating it. We have evolved with compassionate instincts that help us nurture each other and look after each other. If we didn't and were all out to hurt and kill each other then the species wouldn't have survived the harsh conditions nature has thrown at us. If you look back at all the atrocities in human history then nearly all have a religious reason attached to them...
I agree, & the fact that religion was the cause of needless slaughter is the reason I hate (organized) religion.
Hell, one of the popes was said to have been possesed by Satan, what kinda crap is that?

But, still I can't shake my beliefs that God does exsist, even if he abandoned us long ago, he is still somewhere out their.
I say God, but really I mean a creator..
Which is all up there with the meaning of life & all that other bullcrap. If God made us, then what made God. Science is getting closer to proving that when you smash non-material atoms enough you can make matterial atoms (I believe that to be what the report meant).

I believe that a creator was scultped from a mass of energy & from that energy he too built exsistance.
But really now, there's no reasoning that can truely explain where we came from.

And I think the bible is non-sense. In the old testament God was spiteful, he ruled with an iron fist. Appearently people started to go against the grain & then someone decided to write how compassionate God is in the new testament.
Which is a flaw I have in discussing religion with most people. Many of them only know the new testament, while I know a bit more of the old testament.
My Soul Brings Tears to Satanic Eyes.

If Max Collins, Matt Skiba, Jimmy Urine, & Mark Phillips had a child it would be one fu*ked up mofo, but 'it' would be the God of music.

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Got this in an email, thought it was interesting. - by Batz Kage - 04-21-2006, 03:03 PM

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