Got this in an email, thought it was interesting.
I find it funny that everyone screams "separation of church and state" when that isn't how it is worded in the constitution. What it really says is this: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" No where in there do I see separation of church and state, people just tack it on there (possibly after a court case, but still, that would then a be a botch by the Supreme Court in interpretation?staring at you Eminent Domain). I like the last half the best, "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." WTF have sensitivity groups been doing lately? In my High-school there was a club that was dedicated to Christian beliefs. But no one forced anyone else to go! Most meetings were even held during lunch, so no class time was lost, other than what went to all classes on club days.

I believe most of what was talked about in that letter was pertaining to the last part of amendment 1. By so many people being drawn taught because of the possibility of hurting others feelings, ALL religious peoples are being strangled by political correctness. Because some religious peoples are having their right to proclaim their beliefs stifled, ALL religious groups are losing their right be whatever they are.

Here's the thing. A good deal of the people who follow religions in this world are mutually exclusive. Meaning that you either believe in their religion, or you believe in a WRONG religion. And that's the way it should be FOR THOSE RELIGIONS. I mean hell, if you don't hold the belief that you are 100 percent right, what the hell do you really believe anyway? I have no problem with a Jewish person thinking I'm gong to hell, A Christian thinking I will burn, and (somebody fill in this blank) a follower of Islam KNOWING I'm gonna (blank, cause I'm dumb lol). If you don't believe, you don't reap the rewards of a good after life and are punished by said god. That's ok with me. It is inherently part of their FAITH and that too MUST be protected AND respected.

Sometimes people get too sensitive about this. They don?t like the idea that people think they are going to hell or whatever and it offends them. Well guess what, if you don?t like that fact, ignore it cause you don?t believe remember? But if the idea is pressed in your face, yeah, you have a right to be pissed. I'd deck any MFer who got in my face and told me I a horrible person and was going to hell for what was under my bed. I just don?t have a problem with people actually thinking that (?that I?m gong to hell. Thinking I?m a horrible person is because of misguided zeal which is where most morons that bastardize good faiths come in with their personal opinions that reflect nothing of their faith). If anyone is to truly say they have respect for the religious beliefs of others, they must realize that this is part of it as well.

I guess my point is that for a long time now I wish the world could just be happy that we are different. That we have many diverse cultures and faiths and they should all be equally celebrated even if you hold stock in none of them. As long as there are differences among people, they will be noticed; I simply wish we could hold them above our collective heads, as the human race, and rejoice in them rather than let them tear us apart all the damn time.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe

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Got this in an email, thought it was interesting. - by Blight - 04-18-2006, 04:22 PM

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