Comic Book Information
Finally found a great place for comic book information. Never even thought about it before. is great. Now the only thing I really would like to find is a list for reading series in what order. I have like 1800+ of xmen and spiderman comics on disc I want to read and it would be great to know what order to read everything in. =/

I'm spending way too much on comics lol. Just spend $40 on some more backissues of ironman and $80 subscribing to cable/deadpool, amazing spiderman, sensational spiderman and uncanny xmen since our comic shops never get enough in, if they get any in at all. Tired of paying tons on ebay. Just bought amazing spidermans 529 and 530 for like $8. =/ Oddly our shop seems to get a bajillion friendly neighborhood spiderman in for whatever reason lol.

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Comic Book Information - by Cidien - 04-14-2006, 01:03 PM

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