What do you guys and girls do and like besides anime??
Well, I'm 29. I work in IT. I'm a few years behind in my career (long story - but the short version is I graduated from school later than I should have mainly because of a girl and by the time I graduated was right when the IT bust was happening and everyone here was being laid off so IT jobs were hard to come by). I'm not too worried about it though, because I always knew once I got my foot in the door, I'm smart enough where I'd move up quickly.

I do tier 3 desktop support right now, which I don't really mind at all. I get to walk around all over our campus and talk to people while I fix stuff here and there. Most days, I do maybe an hours worth of actual work and use my brain for about 10 minutes. The rest of the time I just walk around and socialize. Only problem is that after doing it for 1 1/2 years, I know more than everyone else who works with me, so I always end up cleaning up their mess after they screw up on someone's PC. Plus, alot of the users keep requesting for me specifically. So it's time for me to move up. I just applied for a server/network admin position which I'm hoping I should hear back about in the next week or two. If I get that and a few other things that are pending right now come through for me, I'm figuring I can almost double my salary in the next 2 years. Then I'll finally be somewhat satisfied with that.

By the time I get home from work, I'm usually too tired to do much else, other than sit in front of the TV. Although the only thing I really watch is sports - mainly football and basketball. The college I graduated from is miraculously in the final four - George Mason University. So I'm trying to decide if I want to spend $1500 to go to Indianapolis to watch them play.

I've been thinking of learning how to ride a motorcycle, simply because I have a few friends who have ones and want me to get into it. But the weather here only allows you to ride for maybe 4 months out of the year and I don't have a garage to keep a bike in anyways.

Girlwise - I really don't have much time for them right now. My main goal in the next few years is advance my career and jack my salary up enough to the point where I can afford to buy a house. Plus I have pretty high standards, so I don't end up liking all that many girls to the point where I'd want to go out with them more than once or twice. There is this one girl at work who I could see myself with - whose already turned me down and just 'wants to be friends'. But I don't give up that easy and she knows that and still hangs out with me, so she can't be all that disgusted by the idea. What can I say - I don't like to lose.

Wow, guess I wrote alot. You're probably sorry you asked.Cool

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What do you guys and girls do and like besides anime?? - by Vicious - 03-28-2006, 08:22 PM

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