03-22-2006, 02:28 PM
Im a big fan of fantasy anime and have seen just about everything imaginable in that genre that has been dubbed in english. However, I have yet to see Zenki and from the looks of the screen caps it looks like something I might be into. However, before I go out and buy the entire series (Im one of those people that will buy the entire series immediately if all volumes have already been released....same goes for a series that has not been completed, but has released 3-4 volumes, Ill buy the 3-4 volumes before even seeing an episode) I need to know if it is any good. This is a rather large series, so Im going to try and stray from my usual buying habits and get some information on it before buying all 50+ episodes. If any of you could help me out, Id greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance and damn my obsessive completist buying habits.