Current quality of HK manufacturers...
For awhile there was unanimous concensus about the pros and cons of the different HK manufacturers. For instance, MAC had a boat load of titles but got a bad rap for using DVD-5. MI was looked favorably upon until they started using TV rips as sources for new series'. Same concept for AV and so on.

After FX went adios I gravitated towards MI. In the beginning their subbed releases left much to be desired but lately they seem to be getting better...better video and higher quality subs. I'm watching Blood+ the series and Eureka 7 and the video looks good and I understand what's going on with the subs.

For those of you who deal in HKs, what's your opinion of the current state of the quality of HK releases?? In your opinion, who puts out the best sets, who's improved their quality, etc...have they all improved??



Messages In This Thread
Current quality of HK manufacturers... - by snowboarder - 03-14-2006, 05:48 PM
Current quality of HK manufacturers... - by zrdb - 03-21-2006, 07:12 PM

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