Everquest 1 still lives and isnt dying, expansion 11
yea I played on Rallos Zek, and as Schultz said, joined it for the wrong reasons heh (weird names, PVP next to server name... that looks like a good way to recall which server you on heh)

at the start of the game, on PVP server, u get killed (regardless if it was in pvp or npc, your corpse was open to loot by anyone, and they looted ALL of your stuff, including bags)
later they changed it to all coin on hand + 1 item that was not NO DROP and not in the bags and anyone can loot it ...

life on PVP server was running naked/no drop gear, being on PVP server you only had 1 set of attributes u were going after, regadless of class... it was resists... carebear servers (aka non pvp servers) were doing their HP/STA or mana/INT, losers heh.... my wizard on RZ resisted ice comet half the time, other half it did maybe 200-300hp damage...

the problem with the open PVP server was the ganking that happened at zones or gate portals, where gankers just sit there and nuke the shit out of you as u zone in (before u could even move) if Verant/Sony could have gotten rid of the looting in pvp, it would have gotten rid of the griefers and made the game so much more fun...

but anyhow, RZ was still alot more fun to play with, no uber guilds coming in and "own" zones, no try to take your spawn... cause if they try, (and on pvp server, kill you) you keep coming back and ganking em in return wehn they fight the mob u were camping heh

I quit EQ1 right after or right before second expansion, and I quit EQ2 after the first expansion... major overhalf was total crapola... anyone want to buy an account with like 50 necro, 40 some guardian, 60 armorer, 50 carpenter, 50 alchemist and like 49 jeweler if i remember right

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Everquest 1 still lives and isnt dying, expansion 11 - by JunkieJoe - 02-25-2006, 09:12 PM

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