Everquest 1 still lives and isnt dying, expansion 11
yea had bunch of discussion with JJ about playing on there.. Fun but like he said everyone traveled around naked. Pretty much you learned to play your char not gear out your char to do anything at all. Its funny because JJ started on the server because he say the PVP and figured it would be easier to remember what server he was on. Not knowing what it was or what the other servers where. hehe crash course about it. But i am sure he can tell you more about it. We are tearing it up having a blast in WoW. nice to do things without having to have full stupid group just to gain experiance.

And no one knows more hardship then being a PK'er in Ultima Online. OMG was it fun but rough as hell. Because you turned an outcast from any town except for one which was filled with Pk'ers so very dangerous. And then any guard would instant kill you for a 40% stat lose if you resed. and that game sucked for getting skills up since there was no such thing as levels.

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Everquest 1 still lives and isnt dying, expansion 11 - by Schultz - 02-25-2006, 05:36 PM

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