Everquest 1 still lives and isnt dying, expansion 11
Everquest 1 has been slowly beaten to death since luclin. PoP was the last decent expansion they had. I can't stand the play the piece of crap sony has crafted my previous favorite game of all time into. Verant did such a better job. Sony made the servers more stable. Verant made a better game. They want me to play eq1 again? Start a new server from scratch with only the first expansion and release them all in order again on the server. Even then though it would be annoyuing cuz there would be so many players bitching about how slow it is or how you have to run and port everywhere with no pok. =/

The new everquest.. hopefully. I have high hopes with brad at the helm.


Btw JJ what server did you play on and what did you play? I had a 65 dwarf paladin on tribunal. Then I stupidly sold that and rebought a monk and lvld him to like 68 when the expansion came out and you could lvl to 70. By that time the game sucked so much I couldn't justify the loss of money I paid for the account and sold that one too.

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Everquest 1 still lives and isnt dying, expansion 11 - by Cidien - 02-25-2006, 05:16 PM

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