The Stella awards!!! you gotta read this.
vegeta76 Wrote:Here's yet another interesting link lol: Big Grin

This one here is totally wrong.

Quote:Wanita "Renea" Young of Durango, Colo. Two neighborhood teens baked cookies for their neighbors as an anonymous gesture of good will, but Young got scared when she heard them on her front porch. They apologized, in writing, but Young sued them anyway for causing her distress, demanding $3,000. When she won(!!) $900, she crowed about it in the newspaper and on national TV. Now, she's shocked (shocked!) that everyone in town hates her for her spite, and is afraid she may have to move. But hey: she won.

I?d like to comment on the whole justice thing, but I?m mentally exhausted from other discussions I?ve been having lately. I will say this though, I used to be in full support of the death penalty, but that was for people who were actually guilty. In Illinois, they got rid of the death penalty because they had found out so many people on death row wear innocent, and they had already killed many others that were innocent as well. If you are gonna kill them, you better make god damn sure they actually did what you say they did. And if you can?t do that, it has to go.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
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The Stella awards!!! you gotta read this. - by Blight - 02-06-2006, 10:21 AM

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