The Stella awards!!! you gotta read this.
Cidien Wrote:I just wish every person who was let back into society and kills again would go after people with these kinds of opinions. If someone in your close family was killed by someone who was let out because they're supposedly better now I doubt you'd still have that same opinion.

They don't have to be let out you just don't have to kill them. What if someone does get better? Would you still want them killed or locked up? What if it was a member of your family that got sick and commited a crime. You saw them degenerate into someone you didn't recognise anymore. They then got better and were the same person you remembered. Would you still kill them? It's a cop out to kill someone. You just can't think of anything better to do with them or can't be bothered.

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The Stella awards!!! you gotta read this. - by gubi-gubi - 02-04-2006, 06:16 PM

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