The Stella awards!!! you gotta read this.
elcoholic Wrote:1. I think its a sign of civilasation to not have it. And also it puts us (my country) appart from what we see as barbaric countries like Iran, former Afghanisan.

2. People are sometimes found to be not guilty after many years. We've had 2 cases in my country in the past year where people were set free after 5+ years of wrongfull detention. Don't know about US cases but its a good posibility (especialy with jury's although I don't know if they decide those kind of penalties).

3. The Us has no problem with sentencing mentaly unstable people to death. I don't think this is right and I think this is also a big point of discussion in the US right now.

That's exactly how I feel. Especially number 1. There is a documentary out im dieing to see that followed people set free from prison after DNA testing for old cases came in. Alot were on death row. How can the system say they have never exectuted an innocent person? They would have for sure if they hadn't tested the old cases. If just one innocent person has been killed in the past (and it's pretty certain that at least one probably has) then the sytem is wrong. Imagine if was you?

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The Stella awards!!! you gotta read this. - by gubi-gubi - 02-04-2006, 05:23 AM

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