01-17-2006, 05:59 PM
desfunk Wrote:Ninja Gaiden is one of the VERY VERY VERY few games on the Xbox I actually liked. Almost everything else was just mediocre at best. I actually rented NG twice, once with the normal version, and then again when Black came out (which is when i finally was able to beat it)
I finally unlocked the military destruction missions in ng. Ya, try beating 100 military enemies when 1/4 of them are rockets and 1/4 of them are the bastards that catch you in the air and take off 1/5 of your health lol. Fun to try but i'm not sure i'm ever going to beat that. Most i've killed is like 56.
Almost beat xenosaga 2 now. The combat blows. Fortunately 95% of gameplay on the first disc is story. The second disc has you fighting a lot more. =/
Just started Jade Empire too. Seems like it might be ok although it's a little awkward to control the characters.
Oh started ffx also for some reason lol. Felt like playing it again. Man I have a lotta time to play games when I don't play wow or eq2.