12-25-2005, 06:05 AM
YamiFan Wrote:My point of view is, 10 years max. So if you are 28 or younger, your potential for highschool girls is high.
I understand wanting to make it as easy as saying "10 years max" but I really do think that itsmore complicated than that. Saying 10 years of difference for a 14 year old to be dating a 24 year old is still creepy in my books. That's why I use the formula that I do. Take someone who is 14 as a starter. 14/2=7, 7+7=14... so 14 year olds should really only date 14 year olds. 16/2=8, 8+7=15... so a 16 year old would be ok going a year younger. 24/2=12, 12+7=19... so a 24 year old would be ok with a 19 year old. 50/2=25, 25+7=32... saying that 50 year year old would be ok with a 32 year old or 18 years younger.
so... that's the "half plus seven" rule of thumb that we use. I have one friend who prefers to use a "half plus five" because he feels dating younger women is ok. He's 38 (38/2 +5=23) and gets away with it because of who he is. So that rule could be flexible but I think it's important to remember that as we age, the age of people we can relate to broadens as well.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.