12-22-2005, 03:12 AM
Musn't let this thread die now.
I just finished a game that went straight to my top 10 of all time.
Chronicles of Riddick on xbox is awesome. It has so many elements. Its a firt person action adventure stealth shooter with an excelent story but every part of the gameplay is perfected. And to think this is a movie tie in game. Only bad thing is its too short but its such a great ride.
I've also been playing alot of Ghost recon2 summit strike on live which is great.
And spike, how you like Call of duty 2(on ps2 i assume). I played the first level but found it awefull. Bad graphics and bad controls. Does it get better later on?
I just finished a game that went straight to my top 10 of all time.
Chronicles of Riddick on xbox is awesome. It has so many elements. Its a firt person action adventure stealth shooter with an excelent story but every part of the gameplay is perfected. And to think this is a movie tie in game. Only bad thing is its too short but its such a great ride.
I've also been playing alot of Ghost recon2 summit strike on live which is great.
And spike, how you like Call of duty 2(on ps2 i assume). I played the first level but found it awefull. Bad graphics and bad controls. Does it get better later on?