First Official Import-Anime Contest!!!
If iambic pentameter gives a leg up then I figured trochaic hexameter would make me a line dancer.
Ignis Dei
-Mike Schneider

Swat attacked by the undead, don't know to shoot them in the head,
and so special orders sent to call in the Hellsing corps,
a figure appears to join the fight, basking in the moonlit night,
instantly filled with delight - delight for the sudden gore,
a silhouette moves quickly through the fog of the moore,
only shadows, nothing more.

There a church which she eyed, sanctuary surely lies inside,
the girl rushes in hoping to hide, not knowing what's in store,
taken hostage tensions grew, only solution the man knew,
the shot would have to pierce through - through her very core,
the young girl, who was caught within the vampires' war,
shall be human, never more.

Vampires of artificial make, killing more then they can take,
direct defiance of everything which Alucard stands for,
making a mess while power mad, the children anger dear old dad,
yet some reason he seems glad - glad to carry out the chore,
the conflicts break the tension of an endless life's bore,
only this and nothing more.

Jesus Christ lies still in Heaven, raise control arch to level seven,
unleash more power then they have ever seen before,
hellhounds find, a fleshy feast, upon the bones of Judas Priest,
just enough to tame the beast - beast of forgotten lore,
where are the remains, camera panning the chamber floor,
Streak of blood and nothing more.

Another player joins in the game, a vampire without a name,
from the dark continent while lies far across the shore,
Incognito proposed a plan, join together, forge a clan,
fight against the race of man - man to which, he had swore,
reasoning, begging, pleading Incognito did implore,
he wouldn't listen anymore.

The attack left walls splattered red, police girl held her master's head,
Could Alucard really be dead? the storm crashes bolts of Thor,
His flesh begins to decay, a creature darts from far away,
Cerberus stalking his prey - prey with which to even up the score,
On rooftop shadows battle, listen to their spirits roar,
to be silenced evermore.

And the creature, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting
bound to do Integra's bidding, down behind the dungeon door;
and his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
dreaming someday perchance to raise and shine for blood and gore,
watching, waiting, wanting depictions of the gore,
bloodlust quenched - nevermore.

Messages In This Thread
First Official Import-Anime Contest!!! - by marka - 12-19-2005, 03:43 PM
First Official Import-Anime Contest!!! - by kureejiieshi - 12-21-2005, 09:50 PM

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