Thoughts on Final Fantasy 12 demo
The way I see it, is if you are going to inject action into RPG's then do it all the way, not half assed. What needs to be done is to make more ARPG's have responsive, fast combat systems. A Jump button would almost be an orgasm in a fully 3D World map RPG. I just think game developers are lazy. The loss of the traversable world map is BS, since now you could actually have a whole world to run around in. With the technology advancing like it is, there should be little problem with storing than much info on a disc, and rendering in real time. I like a good turn based RPG, it is a style of game play. If you don't like that kind of game play, then look for something else. This weak attempt at a change, and the fact that they use an MMO battle system in a standard game is just crappy.

Also, I'm sick of Bishonen. Gay-wanabe pretty boys. Just come out of your closet already, and get the hell out of my RPG!!! Or stay, just don’t pretend you like women and dress like you do. Seriously, I'm sick of this. Where are the Man's Man Leads? Why do all the main characters have to weak spined wussies that get thrown into the position of leader? Why can’t they make him strong willed and take charge. Some one that would, you know, actually lead the other characters, rather than all the other charters be like, “We all trust you because we are friends and we want to make you the leader.” And then the main character being like, “ Um, well okay.” I just hate that.

Aruon was probably the best character out of any FF I can remember, and he was dead. Funny how the fact that he wasn't alive represents how bad their characters are now. I can remember when ever Yuna would talk, I'd be like, "Shut the hell up Martha Stewart." They are just awful, and shallow as a dollar bill.

So all around, I think I’m gonna hate 12. I will try it, but I’m certainly not stupid enough to buy it right out.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe

Messages In This Thread
Thoughts on Final Fantasy 12 demo - by darkanx - 11-21-2005, 11:11 PM
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Thoughts on Final Fantasy 12 demo - by Elcoholic - 12-20-2005, 02:11 AM
Thoughts on Final Fantasy 12 demo - by Ranmafan - 12-20-2005, 12:23 PM

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