Global warming is upon us! ahhhhhh! help us !!!
all facts there can be disputed?.. *sigh*... yes, Ninja existance is currently in dispute... if you apply that can be disputed, it applies to the science behind the supporters of the greenhouse effect...

as for your statisics in your country, can you link me a page please... think about what is being said... 1 degree in 10 years, in 100 years its 10 degrees, in 200 years its 20degrees higher than now... that sounds like Judgement day inferno to me... in 200 years ? abit short notice... simple rational thinking dismisses those claims... and doesnt the water EVAPORATE with higher temprature? thus releaving the pressure on your dykes?...

I dunno, it sounds like you got some liberal hacks that spue out scare mongering to the general public to stay in power and get rich...

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Global warming is upon us! ahhhhhh! help us !!! - by JunkieJoe - 10-28-2005, 05:31 AM

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