Global warming is upon us! ahhhhhh! help us !!!
ok and let me point some things out.... when "THEY" tell you that temprature went up 1 degree in the last 10 years and u will be flooded in 100 years.... if you beleive that?... I guess you are lost cause... the temprature is 20 degrees 1 sprint day and 25 degrees the next, 5 degrees in 1 day! OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!

and as for .1 or .01 degree... just cause you got an A on that project doesnt make it right, like other guys said, some teachers teach that NINJAS didnt exist! teachers are collections of their own prejudices, they feel for mother earth and they will make their students do EARTH projects....

Please, please people, read that website and educate yourself, and QUESTION the people that say one thing... and their proof is oh there was a study done, dont remember whats it called etc etc... its all bias bullshit.

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Global warming is upon us! ahhhhhh! help us !!! - by JunkieJoe - 10-27-2005, 04:55 PM

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