Global warming is upon us! ahhhhhh! help us !!!
I've seen the movie's you posted and, well its so different from what i've heard before that I don't know where to begin. It conflicts with so much that we're mostly told throuh the media. But I don't say wich side is right, you can find just as many people saying the opposite which makes it real hard to know who's telling the truth unless you become a scientist yourself. I'd love to but don't have the time. I did just read that we only have 135 years of reliable enviromental data and that since '77 average global temperature has risen every year with records boken almost every year. As i said before, i notice this in my small lifetime aswell wether we caused it or not (I can't repeat this often enough).

The thing about the governments agreeing with the protocol for money is new to me, I thought the US backed out because it would HURT the economie. It all sounds pretty far fetched JJ that all those governments are trying to scam themselfs out of money.

I always looked at the subject in a broader way. Looking at the combination of things we do to the earth and the different ways we destroy it (amazone forerst, coral reefs, toxins in water/air etc). And it looked like a first big step to do something about it. What makes me a little mad and put me in a discussion that I don't know enough facts about is that it again seems that at the core its all about money.

Your exagurating with the euro thing in my neighbour country, atleast the western part. The eastern part probably has some trouble but that has more to do with the Berlin wall thing. Stuff has definetly become more expensive over here even if our governments promised it wouldn't. And they paid the price with the european constitution referenda in France and my country, which the public here is quite proud of if I may add. Supermarkets, electronics, houses etc. were all unafected by the euro change, some even got cheaper so basic life is the same. But the bars, restaurants, hotels and any other service got almost doubled and we're pissed about that.

The EU won't fall apart, I can guarantee our governments are way to stuburn for that.

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Global warming is upon us! ahhhhhh! help us !!! - by Elcoholic - 10-27-2005, 01:47 PM

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