Global warming is upon us! ahhhhhh! help us !!!
elcoholic Wrote:Maybe clinton realized that stepping out of it woud not go well with the countries with whom you made that agreement. Indeed something that Bush has balls enough for to do and since the US is the largest poluter in the world the treaty doesn't have much effect anymore. I did not say that if clinton did it I wouldn't have minded so much. But what I mind most is its the fucking money that screwed it up in the end. Its not just a problem with Bush but a problem with society.

That's also an interesting article which blames the Bush administration for the 'failure' of the protocol. It says many compromises were made that the clinton adm. wanted but Bush 'gambled' that withdrawing would generate a more favorable treaty for the US in the future. Clinton kept trying to make it a better treaty for him, Bush adm. just walked out without any effort to solve the differences. Now its one of the first major protocols the EU made without the US. The article implies that this made the other countries more confident in their ability to stand up to the US which is probably not what Bush wants. As I said, interesting article.

And why is it not possible that we are speeding this up? There's not enough research to proof the rapid warming is normal. First you say its a myth, then you say the earth warming up is normal indicating that you do see the earth is warming up.

Just look at the past year's natural disasters and you'll see its not normal. lots of earthquakes and heavy storms (I belive Katrina was the heavyist storm ever recorded). If scientists are correct its largly caused by change in climate. If they are correct those things will only get worse. We haven't had a major vulcanic eruption for some time but that might change. I'm just 26 but I can easily notice our winters aren't as cold and our summers are much wetter.

Climate change is a fact, wether we are the sole cause remains a debate which I don't think we'll solve here. But as I said before, this is just one of the bad things we are doing to the earth. And part of the problem will solve itsself in 20 to 30 years when oil is GONE!

BTW, I'm not some enviromental activist or something :o

warmed up like .01 degrees, had to do a project on this in 8th grade

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Global warming is upon us! ahhhhhh! help us !!! - by babyeater0 - 10-27-2005, 01:21 PM

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