UN commits mass Smurficide -- in new PSA
darkanx Wrote:Everything ends up on the internet. Video here. Really tho, it was pretty disapointing. Maybe if the explosions looked more real and caused some arms and legs to go flying.

I can see it maybe disturbing older people who grew up with the Smurfs, but for most of the internet generation will probely offer nothing more than a yawn or giggle. After all, somewhere on the internet there probley exists fanfiction (erotic in nature, as all fanfiction is) of the smurfs at war with the carebears, preforming the most horrible and inhuman acts. Now that, is disturbing.

It was disappointing what a pity...
[Image: IA.jpg]

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UN commits mass Smurficide -- in new PSA - by Puppet Master - 10-13-2005, 05:10 AM

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