Final Fantasy Advent Children leaked on the net *spoilers in thread*
geo85 Wrote:OMG that sucked!!!!!
The cg was of less quality than spirits within, how did they backstep after all that effort. They look plastic.
The story SUCKS!!!!
why the hell do the characters pop in and out with no explanation, theres some fighting oh look its cid (who is not smoking ) he spins his spear and dissapears. What a watse!!!
I saw the anime with zack though that is before ff7 thats pretty good, though the dialouge is lacking.
square is doing it all wrong, I dont want a damn movie or anime or even a stupid mobile phone game,
just take ff7 update the graphics and the movies but keep the game exactly as is and throw in a function so after you beat it you can watch all the movies and thats it stop milking this franchise, they are going to kill it.

If anyone has a reason to hate FF Advent Children in these forums, it would be me and Blight. We are the only two that hated FF7, and we ended up enjoying this movie!! To hear this movie sucks coming from a FF7 fan, is just a little unbelievable. The CG was not as good because they had a smaller budget, I thought it helped the visuals alot during the fight scenes to have unrealistic looking characters. How silly would it have been to have realistic characters jumping fifty feet in the air!? The story wasn't that bad, Geez what the fuck were you expecting, when the basis of the story is FF7. Characters poped in and out because that's what the fans like you wanted. Tell me you wouldn't have been pissed if the rest of the cast didn't show up at all? I don't see how updating the game with better graphics will be fan service, shit its only been 8 years, its no damn Ninja Gaiden or Kid Icarus. Damn, FF7 fans get a fucking movie based on their favorite RPG and they fucking have the nerve to bitch about it!!!! What the fuck!? At least you got a movie, I seriously doubt they will make a movie based on FFVI(my personal favorite) although it would hurt to see Locke in 3fuckingD! Best comic book podcast!!! Come and join in!

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Final Fantasy Advent Children leaked on the net *spoilers in thread* - by evilomar - 09-22-2005, 05:49 AM

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