09-21-2005, 09:25 PM
Compete with the hummer, thats a good one what are they rated on the total suckage scale.
Who pitched that idea, ( "hey guys I know if we want to come back big time we could make a large crappy block with wheels much like the large crappy block with wheels called the hummer (the civilian version because we all know its not meant for civialian use) that barely sells at all and wastes fuel in extremly large quantities, yeah that will put us back on the map".
Who pitched that idea, ( "hey guys I know if we want to come back big time we could make a large crappy block with wheels much like the large crappy block with wheels called the hummer (the civilian version because we all know its not meant for civialian use) that barely sells at all and wastes fuel in extremly large quantities, yeah that will put us back on the map".