Gundam Seed help.
Okay I need help in getting the series can anyone hook me up with the entire series of Gundam Seed and also so far that has been sub in Gundam Seed Denstiny. Been waiting for a Perfect Collection to be release but so far nothing. So I'm willing to send you several DVD R's to use for burning in DATA form so each disk can hold around 18 episodes. I'm also willing to send a few bucks too and a few more DVD R's that you can keep for yourself. If your interest contact me either posting here or PM me to make some sort of deal.

btw If I put this in the wrong thread you can move this or if I'm not allowed to do this then delete it though don't see why since there hasn't been any Perfect Collection release thus won't hurt any sales of the owner of this site since duh he sells HK's.

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Gundam Seed help. - by ZODDGUTS - 09-19-2005, 12:40 AM

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