Final Fantasy Advent Children leaked on the net *spoilers in thread*
Andromeda18_ Wrote:The nice thing about this OAV is that it shows what happened to Zack and Cloud after the Nibelheim events, it's sort of the missing link between past events and the beginning of the game. Highly recommended, especially to those who are fans of FFVII.

Actually, in the U.S. version of the game there is a scene they added if you Nibelheim some time later, you get to see Zack (who until then I thought had been killed by Sephiroth in the reactor), rescue Cloud from the experimental tanks in Nibelhiem then hitch-hiked in the back of a truck. Zack also gives Cloud some of his cloths, explaining why they dress alike. Then get to the outskirts of Midgrad and Shinra regulars find shoot the hell outta Zack and leave Cloud for dead since he is so mest up because of the experiments they did to him. He picks up Zack?s Huge ass sword and mourns Zack then wanders off. Next they show him just sitting the train station still weirded out and Tifa finds him. And his involvement with Avalanche starts. The first time I played through I missed this scene, but I went back to get something from the mansion and it was actually the missing link that allowed me not to absolutely hate the games story. It gave it some creditability since I hated the story cause I it made it seem like Cloud just made up a bunch of shit to save face and just seriously believed his own lies *which is just plain weak). It was the experiments on him that screwed up his mind, which makes it a lot better than he just invented who he was by choice.

And if this is a spoiler to anyone, well the game has been out for like 8 years (and it is part of the game), so get over it.

Andromeda was anything else further explained in the OVA since I doubt I will ever see it?
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
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Final Fantasy Advent Children leaked on the net *spoilers in thread* - by Blight - 09-17-2005, 09:43 AM

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