Final Fantasy Advent Children leaked on the net *spoilers in thread*
kakoi_sugoi_yama Wrote:***SPOILERS***

[COLOR="LightBlue"]Probably my biggest gripe with this movie is the fact that the other characters from the game barely make an appearance at all. Part of the reason I loved the game so much was for its cast of characters and how they played off of each other. The other characters from the game (Barret, Cid, Yuffie, Red, Cait Sith) didn't even have a real reason to be there. Sure I understand that Cloud is the central character but at least give these guys something interesting to do. I really liked the ensemble of Final Fantasy VII the game. It's a real shame that it didn't port over to this movie.

(Highlight to reveal)

[COLOR="White"]That is the only disappointment to me too. I didn't care about a story, I never liked FF VII's story, so the lack of it and a focus on action was really what I liked about it. I wanted to see more of Cid.

The Sephiroth part was weak. They should of just had a big 3 on one brawl. His part felt like, "Well, the people like Sephiroth, lets put him in there." I think it would have played out better as them just quelling a revival of Sephiroth, rather than him coming back for like 5 minuets. Plus Cloud completely owned him MOST of the fight, so it didn't even seem like he was a threat.

The Sword. HOLY SHIT! That was one of the coolest weapons I have ever seen. [/COLOR]


But overall, I really enjoyed this movie. Way more than I thought I would. I felt real, hardy excitement during the action sequences and my jaw dropped at some of the moves. The only show that have ever made me feel that way this intensely is Yu Yu Hakusho, which is my favorite anime of forever and always. So anything that can make me feel that way is great in my book.
[Image: kakashianbubanner3psdva9.jpg]
"OMFG, let me rush onto my NOAHS ARC!" by JunkieJoe

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Final Fantasy Advent Children leaked on the net *spoilers in thread* - by Blight - 09-16-2005, 03:45 PM

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