09-08-2005, 06:54 PM
Strong Bad 2000 Wrote:Well I guess it's this kind of thinking that motivates the crackdown on piracy. Although piracy seems like it will always be a problem, I imagine it will become increasingly difficult to get a hold of fansubs. Plus, wasn't it MediaBlasters or some company who brought out some new anime and right from the get go said don't fansub and/or distribute our anime even though it hadn't been licenced in the U.S. yet??? Seems to me, some anime companies are keeping a close eye on the distribution of their anime right when they release it in Japan because of piracy.
I wonder how far legislation intends to go when it comes to downloading and copyright laws. I believe us Canadians will start to face some sort of legislation in the not so distant future.
Well this discussion just got a whole lot depressing. Let's change the focus slightly, shall we....
Ummm...I wouldn't dis fanservice there Robo. Based on Kiruyuki's response to Ikkitousen, he might just have to kick your @$$. Just a warning there, bro.
LOL no i wouldn't! Some people just don't like fanservice, because it can get annoying and pointless at times.
~Romance in the Scent of Summer~