geo85 Wrote:Also nintendo pushed twilight princess back to April 2006 and even then thats not a definite date, geez that sucks.
AH F***!:mad: Those SOB's. I really wanted to play that over Christmas break too. It is the only game that I have even had strong interest on the home console front lately, except for SqEn's projects (FFXII, Kingdom Hearts 2). Man that sucks balls
On a side note, anyone else here exited about Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (for the DS)? It is the main selling point of the system for me. It’s cool that the system has dropped 20 bucks too, now that I plan on buying it. The Castlevania games for the GBA have all been in my top 10 for the past 2 years of how much pure fun I had while playing them, and this one sounds even cooler with the multiplayer, enhanced graphics and animations and touch screen usage for puzzles and such.