final fantasy advent children question ?
Cidien Wrote:Anybody seen the trailer for advent children? I rented steamboy and popped it in as I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth quick. I about crapped my pants when I hear aeris' theme playing in my room lol. I still don't like the distinctly japanese look they have to them but the show looks amazing from that preview. Can't wait to see it.

Yes, it makes spirits within look like a piece of shit. The fighting is beyond anything expressed even in the matrix. FF7 Advent Children is completely badass. I just hope the storyline isn't conveyed as too vague in the movie since it will only be 60 minutes runtime I believe? It really doesn't matter tho to the hardcare FF7 fan we know what's going on. I just wish they could make a 9 hour trilogy of FF7 instead of 60 minutes.

Personally I'm looking forward to this more then I've looked forward to ANY and ALL anime titles I've ever collected in the past. I know this could be a major cash cow for them. And if they did remake FF7 I can just about guarantee every single FF7 fan of the past will buy it, there's about 10 times more FF7 fans then there are of final fantasy fanboys who like 8,9, and 10 as well.
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final fantasy advent children question ? - by balthier - 08-09-2005, 01:23 AM

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