07-21-2005, 08:08 AM
gubi-gubi Wrote:You're probably right but when I heard the 360 will have media center software and a removable harddrive I fell in love! I use a 200gb HDD in my xbox at the mo with xbox media center and it's awesome for fansub watching and knowing this will be able with an unmodded 360 the possiblities of a modded one I can't even begin to imagine...
True, xbox is already a awesome media player but I expect nothing less to be in the ps3. I'm sure it will have media functions but I personally don't need them since all those options are on my pc (hooked up to the tv and stereo). Ps3 will also have a slot for the HDD, it just won't come standard (again). I would like to see it in there standard but when you look at the big picture its more sensible to not make it standard. The ps3 will cost ALOT to produce and the statistics show that not many xbox users use the harddrive. So its sensible to make it an option so that the console will be a bit cheaper since not everyone will use it. Also you can be sure that M$ will charge a hefty fee for a HDD as big as 200 gig (and I'm sure sony will screw us with the price of the hdd aswell).
I am wondering how M$ and sony will use the HDD. It will be damn easy again to play backup games through the hdd. You can't give it to many options since every option is possibly a way to crack the security especially if its hooked up to a pc so it won't even need to read dvd-r.