Blight Wrote:And animeshop: WTF do you think their last leader did? You need pay attention to facts buddy.
So you guys should just do exactly the same thing?
Cidien Wrote:This line is irritating me. Would you rather terrorists continue to indoctinate kids into their way of thinking without giving them an alternate view? I just don't know how to respond to this - it's too stupid. I don't wanna start a flame war on this but really - think before you post stupid crap like that.
Your thinking as if the whole country thinks like that, there are some sick people there - yeh just like there are sick people everywhere, but you don't go to their country and shove your morality lessons on them. The country had a bad leader, yes, but it doesn't mean the people have bad minds. You act as if these people are like dogs - who need to be taught what is wrong and what is right.
Its true though that education does help, but you can't honestly think that this is a good reason for the war, it was never about that - its just something they were left to deal with after the damage they did.
And btw, I never said you were Nazi's. I was referring to what you think is right for the country can be something that is forced and unwanted - and if your gonna do that, then you may as well become dictators.
I won't go into this any further, as we obviously have different views about this - and we can go round in circles, so I'll end my 2 cents here.