r00ster; for or against - was texhnolyze
Before JJ started shipping from US to US, he already had tracking numbers on all the packages.
When I was not home to receive the packages, I always had to go to the Post Office to collect the items because the Post Mistress/Master had to make sure that they scanned the delivery/tracking # before handing the packages to me.

If Canada-sent packages do not have tracking #, why did the Post Mistress/Master bother to scan JJ's postage labels? They even told me that they couldn't leave it in front of my house because there were delivery confirmations to be scanned. Btw, these all occurred before JJ even offered the option where he shipped from US.

My uncle sends small stuffs to me from Canada once every couple of weeks. He sent these items all via regular airmails. I don't know how he does it if tracking # is as expensive as you claim but the postage never went over $6CAD, inclusive of tracking #. He sent it from Toronto, maybe it's different from Ontario, I don't know.

Bah....doesn't matter to me....

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r00ster; for or against - was texhnolyze - by Japschin - 06-25-2005, 10:36 AM

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