r00ster; for or against - was texhnolyze
I'm going to post a hypothesis. I don't have anything to back up that this is actually what happened but I do know one or two things about people so what I have to say is a possibility.

Let's say that I'm r00ster.
Let's say that I burn some discs and mail them off using the cheapest postage method available to me to save what little cash I have.
Let's say that they get lost in the mail (it happens far too often between the US and Canada... I know this from experience).
Now what do I do? I'm out the money because I didn't insure them. The guy who wants them is out the money because he didn't offer to pay for insurance. I'm in a hard place because I don't feel that I should have to pay for the discs again but I do want to see some sort of satisfaction for the guy who paid the money.
Now let's say that I start getting nasty emails saying that I cheated this guy and he starts posting messages that I'm a crook.
How much hassle is this worth to me?
My life has gotten really busy with other stuff but I've got this situation that I don't know what to do with. I've already said that the discs were lost in the mail. Should I be responsible for them? I don't think so... I did my part in good faith.

Rather than deal with name calling and finger pointing it's just easier for me to pull up stakes and move on. When I can give more of my time to this or I can afford to just pay for it to go away I might come back. maybe...

This is one scenario that comes to mind.
The fact that Cidien has a history of strong reactions and is willing to drag this whole thing into a public forum makes it seem plausible to me.
The fact that r00ster has a good trade history with people and has never had a shipment go missing before makes it seem plausible to me... I mean why would he single out Cidien to screw over after square dealing with everyone else?

On the other hand... it could be that he's decided that he wanted to get out of our forum and stealing $50 from one of our members was a bonus on the way out... that sounds like typical human behaviour to me...
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

Messages In This Thread
r00ster; for or against - was texhnolyze - by Zagatto - 06-25-2005, 04:06 AM

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