Computer Nerds/Geeks Help. Death/Rebirth
1- first make sure you have an IDE cable that can support another hard drive. To do this just open up your desktop and look at the multi-ribbon cable plugged into your CD/DVD drive and Floppy drive, then look to see if it has a open slot on it. If it does your in luck.
2- make sure you have a power supply plug for it. just look around and find one if you can otherwise go buy a new power supply and spend loads of money having someone install it. lol
3- make sure you have a bolt-in slot on the case if you don't then you gotta buy a new case in which case you might as well buy a new comp and transfer the old HDD to the new comp that hopefully is bigger. also make sure you have about 1/2 of an inch between the case and the hard drive before you bold it in and try to turn on the comp. (this ensures the hard drive doesn't rattle around or burn up.)
4- if have a free slot and power supply plug then hook it up by the directions then boot your pc up. you have to set the BIOS to recognize the new hard drive as a slave and the original hard drive as master that is unless you want the new drive to be the one with windows on it, in which case you have to reinstall everything. Rolleyes

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Computer Nerds/Geeks Help. Death/Rebirth - by tsunami - 06-18-2005, 06:29 AM

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