Batman Begins
Mantis421 Wrote:You make it sound like if someone else would of done the first batman movie in the style it was done it would of been genius but because it is Tim Burton its blah. Burtons dark touch he gives films is why he was the perfect director for the Batman movie. Calling Nolan a genius after this is really only his fourth film he has been involved with might be overstating the person. Granted Memento was pretty good but his other two films Insomnia and Following were nothing all that special. Burton's films we know what they are going to be like and they still have that dark effect that is unique to him alone as a director. its like tring to compare apples and oranges

oh dont get me wrong by any means, i love the first and second one, and i think tim is a genius and did an excellent job, especially with batman returns which was a lot darker than the first. it is just that i have been to man sites and talked to a lot of people that say that nothing can compare to tim's version, because it was so dark and gothic. which if most of his other movies werent gothic would make that statement more relevent to me is all. If another director did shoot it like that then i would be making the same statement that that is why the first was so unique. and yes chris nolan's movies have not been all hits, but then most of these comic movie directors are like that, like sam raimi and spiderman, who thought the darkman and evil dead creator could have done such a superb job? anywho, i do appreciate burton and his work, all his stuff is great, but i just think that people are overrating his batman movies because of there style is all, once again before this mask of the phantasm was the best, that was the only one to have every element right

Messages In This Thread
Batman Begins - by kakoi_sugoi_yama - 06-15-2005, 06:24 PM
Batman Begins - by Mantis421 - 06-15-2005, 10:35 PM
Batman Begins - by vegeta76 - 06-16-2005, 05:21 AM
Batman Begins - by kanedaestes - 06-16-2005, 05:52 AM
Batman Begins - by jenga - 06-16-2005, 06:58 AM
Batman Begins - by kanedaestes - 06-16-2005, 08:01 AM
Batman Begins - by Mantis421 - 06-16-2005, 08:35 PM
Batman Begins - by Cidien - 06-16-2005, 10:11 PM
Batman Begins - by kanedaestes - 06-17-2005, 05:10 AM
Batman Begins - by Mantis421 - 06-17-2005, 11:13 PM
Batman Begins - by kakoi_sugoi_yama - 06-18-2005, 01:06 AM
Batman Begins - by Cidien - 06-18-2005, 06:11 AM
Batman Begins - by vegeta76 - 06-18-2005, 09:16 AM
Batman Begins - by Mantis421 - 06-18-2005, 09:35 AM
Batman Begins - by Cidien - 06-18-2005, 12:45 PM
Batman Begins - by vegeta76 - 06-18-2005, 01:06 PM
Batman Begins - by morgorath - 06-18-2005, 05:37 PM
Batman Begins - by Mantis421 - 06-18-2005, 06:09 PM
Batman Begins - by geo85 - 06-18-2005, 08:15 PM
Batman Begins - by Cidien - 06-18-2005, 09:31 PM
Batman Begins - by kanedaestes - 06-17-2005, 05:07 AM

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