Prices of anime titles!
One thing to remember is that copyright laws are different in HK (actually, they don't exist).
This means that a few companies have set up shop making high quality DVDs of products that they don't officially hold the rights to. Because they aren't paying royalties to the creators, they can sell movies for the cost of making the DVDs.
Personally, I'm torn between the availability of all the great anime at bargain basement prices from HK and seeing the creators get their share of my money so they can make more anime in the future by buying official R1 releases.
To balance things out, I buy both. The R1 releases tend to be a bit higher quality (the subs are always better). I try to only buy series that haven't been released in North America yet in HK DVDs (although I couldn't pass up the low price on the Cowboy Bebop series... I just can't afford the R1 releases).

Hopefully, we'll see more releases like Metropolis in the future. I was able to pick up the R1 release with the bonus mini-DVD for only $27.00 Canadian at my local video store. I look at Blue Submarine No. 6 sitting on the shelf for $45 per episode and praise the availability of HK releases.

Sorry for my rant everyone.
I'm just a torn individual.
Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

Messages In This Thread
Prices of anime titles! - by knightmare - 04-16-2002, 07:00 PM
Prices of anime titles! - by JunkieJoe - 04-16-2002, 07:41 PM
Prices of anime titles! - by Zagatto - 05-18-2002, 04:10 AM

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