Favorite Stores: In Your Shopping Mall!
Cyrus Wrote:um for me

the comic book shop

best buy

suncoast is ok for checking out new anime but i will never touch anything there even their movies are ussually 30 dollars (wait i did buy one thing there once)

walmart is pretty cool they ussually have good deals on stuff

besides that not really anything else

Suncoast is in the same boat as sam goody. Went out of business as well here lol. Only bought one thing from them ever. Bought my first Korn cd (my first cd with any swearing at all lol) while on a jr high field trip. It's amazing to me that from the time I was to a kid to now the difference in music it's normal for kids in jr high or even younger can listen to and be socially acceptable. I know kids that are about 10 years old that listen to eminem and I seem to be the only person that thinks parents that let their little kids listen to that are irresponsible.

I shoulda been born in the 50's.

Oh, I forgot about pac sun too. I get all my sweatshirts there. Best place in town to get em. Only other place I can think of that even sells any here is media play, and they have a crap selection and they are mostly band sweatshirts.

Was thinking more about Sam Goody too. Just realized the first gift my girlfriend ever got me was a korn sweatshirt from there for my birthday before we even started dating. Was pretty obvious when she spent over $50 on a sweatshirt for me she was definitely interested. Big Grin

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Favorite Stores: In Your Shopping Mall! - by Cidien - 05-31-2005, 11:27 PM

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