Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
I heard the TV show will focus on minor characters (which is a bit obvious as I doubt they would cast new actors to play Obi Wan etc). From some of the old books I read as a kid im sure Tarrful (?) the other surviving wookie has a good story... I can't wait for the TV series. I used to be against all new versions of Star Wars but after watching Revenge of the Sith I wouldn't mind if Lucas changed the original trilogy again as long as the original un-touched versions come out. I wouldn't mind seeing the new actors in them and stuff. Someone told me Lucas has said he is thinking of playing around with them again for his planned boxset with all 6 movies in. They should do what they did with the Alien boxset that has like two versions of the same film on one disc (seamless branching I think they use). Then I'd be happy... (Although I have my bootleg definitive version dvd set anyway!)

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Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith - by gubi-gubi - 05-21-2005, 10:47 AM

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