r00ster's LATEST EBAYS! R1 Anime & PS2/XBox Games...
SideSwipe Wrote:Just to warn you, Ebay WILL yank that Guy Game auction, and fast. I've been trying to get rid of mine for a while, I dont even own a PS2, I bought it to resell, and it failed miserably.

That's ridiculous... I hates the Ebay.

If you search completed auctions for "The Guy Game" there are several auctions that finished for the Guy Game on both PS2 and XBox... stayed up for 7 days, and finished out the auction no problem.

I flame them good!

EDIT: If anyone wants The Guy Game for PS2 before I finish battling Ebay over the listing, just contact me via email ([email protected]). Thankya!
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection

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r00ster's LATEST EBAYS! R1 Anime & PS2/XBox Games... - by r00ster - 04-09-2005, 08:30 AM

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