what do you thing of console exclusive games?
i think the more the merrier

such as if final fantasy 7 hit every consol that would be cool
I think more availablity for the gamer means more fun i have no problem with it.

If every game were to come out on every system then everyone would prolly just go with one system that had the game come out first or one system that was a little cheaper or whatever but that isn't going to happen. Also many games are better on certain systems.

Such as xbox has better graphics and more players so games that rely a lot on graphics or multyplayer are better if for x box so people will get an x box for those games for single player games and other unique 3d platform adenture games they come out on ps2 and x box and they work fine heck even gamecube could do it. IN all honesty the X box could support most all kinds of games except the little kid games cus that would just be overload. So the way i see it if Gamecube wants to go little kid or whatever x box wants to go multiplayer for the most part and ps2 wants to go general i have no problem. Like i said before if all the games were on one system it may be different but hey if Halo 2 hit ps2 come on it would suck 2 player support.......

It would be nice if you could get more games that are on every consol and if not that exspecially keep the sequels and threequels to the same system or the same system and other systems. It's freaking crap that i would have to get a GBA to play Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories considering it bridges the gap between 1 and 2.


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what do you thing of console exclusive games? - by Cyrus - 03-14-2005, 05:35 PM

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