If you could make an anime what would it be about?
If I made an anime it would be something like this.

An extremely powerful criminal called Kanon is finally caught and executed after committing many crimes. However after being executed his soul is sent on its way to hell but a mysterious being (not god) sends his to a very weird purgatory. There the being tells him that if he doesn't want to go to hell he will have too work for him. Kanon decides to work for this being and is told to gather other beings that have special abilities. Kanon makes a base of operations called 'Black Howling' (he he he...sad...) at the same time he has to fight many demons. And to gather some people he has to go to different worlds. A medieval world (with dragons and magic etc...), a futuristic world (robots cyborgs etc...) and some other very weird places (by the way the only person who is actually dead is Kanon and a hand full of neutral people and a few enemies). The weapon Kanon uses is a Bayonet (and quite a large one at that). As the series goes on he would get a giant robot. And unlike other animes the different worlds will actually matter. For a long time Kanon would be evil (as in he would kill a crowd of people to get someone he is trying to kill) but after a while he would become good (not that good. About the same as Gutsu from Berserk. This would only happen in the last series. I don't plan on having a pansy as a main hero). The people Kanon would gather would all have abilities like a Esper (it's just easier than saying psychic), a ninja, a dragon knight etc... And I would focus on all the heroes and villains equally. The first two series will focus on Kanon gathering lots of cool people and killing lots of people (all in a days work). The third would focus on the base 'Black Howling' going on missions and being attacked by that annoying Satan. The last series would focus on Kanon's past, his world, and the gigantic war between 'Black Howling' and Hell. One of the main villains would have a grudge against Kanon for killing his father there would be a lot of villains. However the main villain who would only show up at the end would be...Kanon! That?s right all the evil that Kanon has built up has ended up creating another Kanon. In the last two episodes or so while Kanon and friend are returning to base you would see the evil Kanon on his own entering the base. And he would just start killing everybody (stealing their souls FOREVER!). A few of the cool heroes would be killed by him. (By the way many of the heroes would be killed during the anime and in the huge battle in hell). So only about 4 of the main characters would be alive in the end. The Evil Kanon and the slightly less evil Kanon would have a final dual. While they are fighting the mysterious being shows up and stops the battle. The two Kanons become guardians. One of hell and one of heaven. When war breaks out again these two Kanons will be the first on the front lines. The end.

So what do you all think? Does it sound good?

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If you could make an anime what would it be about? - by Black Howling - 03-12-2005, 11:11 PM

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