Is Anime Club a former name of another compnay ?!?!
I was at my local comic book store, they're really great. Many many cards, hosts tournaments, good japanese imports, and was shocked to see that they sell HK DVDs.

I tried telling the manager that they were bootleg but he insist that since they have that copyright ine at the bottom they're no legal. Probably just trying to protect himself.

Anyways, I was looking at them and saw that there was one that had a yellow-ish A that said Anime Club on it. It in NO WAY looked commercial, so I was wondering if that was a division of Anime Studio, since that was the only other company's DVDs they sold.

Also, any way I can convince him they are bootleg ?? The only one I remember him having exactly is the Gundam Wing movie from AS.

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Is Anime Club a former name of another compnay ?!?! - by dvd_master - 09-29-2002, 11:31 AM

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