What's the difference btw the diff. hkdvd comapanies?
To answer the original question...

There are a number of different companies from Hong Kong that all produce bootleg anime videos. Each company has it's strengths and weeknesses in regards to quality control, subtitle translations, and packaging.

This is a great site to find out which DVDs are available from some of the different HK companies. The best place to see the difference in quality is to read the reviews of the assorted Cowboy Bebop releases. It seems all the major players have released this show but you'll read about the wide variety in quality.

A couple of good terms to remember:
R1 = DVDs produced for North America
R2 = DVDs produced for Asia
HK = region free DVDs playable by all regions

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Gullible isn't in the dictionary.

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What's the difference btw the diff. hkdvd comapanies? - by Zagatto - 09-28-2002, 07:14 PM

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