What anime would you like to see a sequel OR prequel too?
One prequel I'd like to see... but I know would never likely happen would be Haibane Renmei. I would -love- to see the whole story with Reki before Rakka shows up... get the full insight into her character and her past from when she first awoke from her cocoon. Reki was easily the most interesting character from the show.. and one of the better pieces of character work I've seen in any show.

A sequel I -hope- to see, would be s-CRY-ed. The end to that show just cries out for another season or two... it's just simply the best action anime since Cowboy Bebop in my opinion.
[Image: bluetmp2.jpg] <-- Look, a broken link!

My Shiny Region 1 Anime Collection

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What anime would you like to see a sequel OR prequel too? - by r00ster - 12-20-2004, 09:38 PM

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