What anime would you like to see a sequel OR prequel too?
More Berserk. Maybe a prequel to Bebop, see Spike and Vicious in their syndicate days. Anything Blade of the Immortal might be nice, but would be hard to make it look half as good as the manga. I haven't seen/read all of GTO yet, but what I would like more than a sequel, is for the manga series that came before it to be animated, or at least translated. I forget the titles but I there should be two of them, one of Onizuka in college and one when he was a biker punk in Shonan. AnimEigo subbed one volume of a HS/biker anime years ago that I really like. It seems I was the only one though, because they never did a second volume. GTO is the only thing that has come close to filling the void.

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What anime would you like to see a sequel OR prequel too? - by WandererX12 - 12-20-2004, 09:36 PM

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