11-30-2004, 06:44 AM
Vicious actually yes.. If one person gets outta line i put it on hold.. Like i said i was against the Flame Forum to start out with because i don't like where they lead and what happens with this.. And this is just one example. Also 1 person ruining it for all. I live with this everyday in the miltiary because based on that it happen. My last base if a single preson got a DUI in the squadron the whole squadron had to stand formation in front of the general's building at 0600 on saturday. just because of one person. That was over 400 ppl affect. And a few times we had more then one squadron out there because of a few peoples DUI's. I put it there against what i though for everyone and it got abused so i am sitting back to rethink the whole thing.. i will be talking to Zag and few other's on it. But in the mean time its on "pause"