Barnabusdf Super Buffy Trade-a-thon! Maybe!
Hey all, I got ALL the Joss Whedon box sets (Buffy 1-7, Angel 1-4, and Firefly) I want to trade them but I need to be all in one shot! Would anyone here be interested? I'm looking mostly for HK Perfect Collections, but I also need some straight Sub stuff like Initial D and Lament of the Lamb. The only fair way to make it work, I think, is disc for disc. So the grand total is 67 :eek: ! So if there is interest I will go into more detail. Does anyone or CAN anyone want to do this? :confused:

Also, maybe some US Manga could be traded too? If anyone is interested PM me with ideas how we can do this...

Also, since it has been brought up, NO DVD-Rs. Just not interested in them.

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Barnabusdf Super Buffy Trade-a-thon! Maybe! - by Barnabusdf - 11-25-2004, 12:40 PM

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